Resultan Vektor

According to Math Warehouse,

The resultant vector is the vector that ‘results’ from adding two or more vectors together.

The formula for calculating the resultant of two vectors is:

R = √[P2 + Q2 + 2PQcosθ]

Resultan vektor adalah hasil dari penjumlahan dua atau lebih vektor. Terdapat beberapa metode yang bisa kita gunakan untuk mencari resultan vektor nih, di antaranya metode grafis, metode analisis vektor, atau metode uraian. The first thing to make a note of is that in Grade 10 we worked with vectors all acting in a line, on a single axis. We are now going to go further and start to deal with two dimensions. We can represent this by using the Cartesian plane which consists of two perpen. Resultan vektor merupakan cara untuk menentukan total vektor dari beberapa vektor. Beberapa buku mengatakan bahwa resultan vektor sama dengan penjumlahan vektor, menggunakan istilah ini lebih riskan dan berpotensi terjadi miskonsepsi dalam mengerjakan soal. Hal ini dikarenakan kata penjumlahan merujuk pada “ditambah” jadi dianggap.

R = Resultant of the Two Vectors
P = Magnitude of the First Vector
Q = Magnitude of the Second Vector
θ = Inclination Angle between the Two Vectors

Let’s solve an example, find the resultant of two vectors where the first vector has a magnitude of 30 and the second vector has a magnitude of 40 with 50° has the inclination between the two vectors.

From the example above, we can see that P is 30, Q is 40 and θ is 50. Now, inserting these values into the formula we compute for the resultant of the two vectors.

R = √[(30)² + (40)² + 2(30)(40) . cos50°]
R = √[900 + 1600 + 2(1200) . (0.6427876096865394)]
R = √[900 + 1600 + 2400(0.6427876096865394)]
R = √[900 + 1600 + 1542.6902632476945]
R = √[4042.6902632476945]
R = 63.58215365373915

Therefore, the resultant of the two vectors is 63.58215365373915.

To be able to get the resultant of two vectors using Nickzom Calculator. You need to know the magnitude of the two vectors and the inclination between the two vectors.

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Once, you have access to Nickzom Calculator proceed to the Calculator Map, click on Vector Resultant under Physics section

Clicking on the Vector Resultant, displays the page for you to enter the values for each of the parameters.

Now, enter the values of the parameters: P = 30, Q = 40 and θ = 50

Now, click on Calculate

Nickzom Calculator solves for the resultant of the two vectors and shows you the formula, workings and answer.



The resultant is the vector sum of two or more vectors. If displacement vectors A and B are added together, the result will be vector R, which is the resultant vector. But any two vectors can be added as long as they are the same vector quantity. The resultant of two vector products can be determined using this simple online Resultant vector of two vector calculator in quicker time without. Results given by this resultant vector calculator are highly reliable.


The resultant is the vector sum of two or more vectors. If displacement vectors A and B are added together, the result will be vector R, which is the resultant vector. But any two vectors can be added as long as they are the same vector quantity. The resultant of two vector products can be determined using this simple online Resultant vector of two vector calculator in quicker time without. Results given by this resultant vector calculator are highly reliable.


r = √(a² + b²)Where,r = Resultant Vectora = First Vector b = Second Vector


Calculate the resultant vector of two vector 20 and 25?


Resultant vector of two vector(r) = √( 20 ² + 25 ²)
= 32.0156.

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